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Fluids and Structures Workshop at UMBC

international and local distinguished speakers in Math&Stat


Mathematics/Psychology : 4th floor


April 3, 2025Apr 4, 2025 (All Day Event)


During the week of March 31st, we will have three distinguished international guests in the Math & Stat Department: 

Boris Muha (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
Šarká Nečasova (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
Srdjan Trifunović (University of Novi Sad, Serbia)

They will be around the Department and interacting with our faculty and students. They will be distributed in the Lounge and visitor's offices. 

On Thursday April 3rd and Friday April 4th, we will host a Fluids and Structures workshop, with one hour blocks of talks. We have several distinguished regional speakers attending, including: 

Anna Mazzucato (Pennsylvania State University) 
Vincent Martinez (Hunter College, CUNY)
Jeffrey Kuan (University of Maryland, College Park)
Dan Anderson (George Mason University)

The Applied Mathematics Colloquium (Dan Anderson) and the associated Coffee Hour and Luncheon, will be encompassed in the workshop. 

A tentative schedule is posted below:

Thursday, April 3rd (M&P 412)

9-10 Plenary 1

10-11 Talk

11-11:30 Discussion and Participant Office Hours (for students and faculty)

11:30-1:30 Off Campus Lunch

2-3 Talk

3-4 Talk

Happy Hour in Ellicott City (Manor Hill)

Friday, April 4th (M&P 410)

9-10 Plenary 2

10-11 Departmental Coffee Hour and Meet and Greet (MathStat Lounge)

11-12 Applied Mathematics Colloquium: Dan Anderson (Sherman 150)

12-1:30 Lunch

2-3 Plenary 3

3-4 Talk

4-5 Talk

Dinner in Baltimore (La Cuchara)

Members of the Department are invited to all talks. If you are interested in participating in one of the meals, please email Justin. Appointments with the international guests are possible on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please note that the discussion and office hour time on Thursday is open to both graduate and undergraduate students.