Graduate Student Seminar
University Center : 115
Date & Time
April 19, 2017, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Session Chair | Bryce Carey |
Discussant | Dr. Hoffman |
Speaker 1: Rabab Elnaiem
- Title
- Meta Analysis of a Behavioural Intervention to Promote Weight Loss in Low Income Adult Population
- Abstract
- In this talk we review meta analysis methods for the problem of common mean, testing for homogeneity and building a fixed/random model. Through following an application that review studies for behavioural interventions in populations with a high prevalence of obesity and obesity-related risks that were published in 2011-2016, to a large extent obesity is a preventable or reversible health condition, many of these complications and their associated costs could be avoided. We review 14 studies, and performed a meta-analysis similar effect sizes that measure the impacts of a behavioural intervention programs on weight loss, The effect size measures the weight difference in KG by comparing the intervention and control groups of a given study.
Speaker 2: Randy Price
- Title
- Measures of Dimension
- Abstract
- In this talk we will go over two measures of dimension, namely the Hausdorff and fractal dimensions. After introducing them and some of their properties we will go over a result by Hunt and Kaloshin from 1999 which relates the dimension of the image of a set under a bounded linear map to the original set.