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Statistical Meta Analysis workshop at Dibrugarh University

Dr. Bimal K. Sinha and Dr. Bikas K. Sinha are the presenters

Dr. Bimal K. Sinha (UMBC) and Dr. Bikas K. Sinha (ISI) conducted a workshop on Statistical Meta Analysis and Assessment of Agreements in Dibrugarh University, India, on January 5. Four technical...

Posted: January 29, 2015, 11:36 AM

Celebrating the December 2014 commencement

A good crop of BA/BS, MS, and PhD graduates

Undergraduate and graduate students, as well as the faculty and staff, gathered in December 17 to celebrate the graduation of a good number of students with BA/BS, MS, and PhD degrees in...

Posted: December 22, 2014, 11:43 PM

An impromptu gathering of statistics alumni

Dinner at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Boston

A dozen or so alumni of the department's PhD program in statistics took the opportunity to socialize over dinner during the August 2014 Joint Statistical Meetings in Boston. Shown in the...

Posted: August 23, 2014, 12:00 AM

New Faculty: Dr. Bedřich Sousedík

Dr. Bedřich Sousedík joins the department's faculty this fall.  His research is in the general area of numerical analysis and scientific computing.  Prior to coming to UMBC, Dr. Sousedík was a...

Posted: July 25, 2014, 11:38 PM

Jesse Smith, Math Major, in The Chronicle

The Program Behind This Math Major

A story and audio interview in the July 15, 2014 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education features Jesse Smith, a rising junior majoring in Mathematics with minor in Computer Science. Jesse...

Posted: July 23, 2014, 1:32 PM